Images Title SKU Categories Product Short Description
Alt Anionic Polyelectrolyte (RX Floc 100) RXSOL-40-4160-025 Sewage Chemicals Treatment-40 Polyelectrolyte to be used as flocculant in direct filtration process for settling of inorganic susp
Alt Hydranal Coulomat AG RXSOL-60-6298-500 Lab Chemical-60 Lab reagent
Alt DECK BRITE Cleaner RXSOL-16-3013-010 Engine room Maintenance-16 DECK CLEANER protects the surface from scratch as No hard scrubbing or rubbing is required.
Alt Hold Wash Concentrate RX RXSOL-22-2204-050 Hold Solution-22 It can be used as a powerful stand-alone cleaner for oily stains and residues, or in combination wit
Alt VOLC Coat Garbage Releaser RXSOL-22-2219-025 Hold Solution-22 POLYMER BASED non reactive coating materials which makes thin film barrier on surface after dry.
Alt Foam cleaning Agent RXSOL-22-3020-030 Hold Solution-22 Foam cleaning Agent
Alt HP Wash RXSOL-22-3005-020 Hold Solution-22 This is specifically formulated for use with high pressure advanced technology cleaning machine.
Alt HP Wash RXSOL-22-3005-005 Hold Solution-22 This is specifically formulated for use with high pressure advanced technology cleaning machine.
Alt Bleach Hypochlorite Powder RXSOL-40-4059-025 Laundry Chemicals-26 RXSOL Bleaching compound is relatively stable and has greater available chlorine than ordinary bleac
Alt Hydrochloric Acid Conc Pure and Colourless RXSOL-16-1101-050 Raw Chemicals-19 Extra pure Hydrochloric Acid Concentrate