Images Title SKU Categories Product Short Description
Alt Enzyme Cleaner, Deodorizer, & Spot Remover RXSOL-41-8972-025 Clean Air deodorizer-24 Enzyme Cleaner, Deodorizer, & Spot Remover
Alt Biohazard Spill Kit (Blood Spill Kit) RXSOL-61-6403-001 Lab Equipment-61 Biohazard Spill Kit Mid.
Alt Asphalt Release Agent Rx RXSOL-90-4162-210 Asphalt Release / Products-90 Asphalt Release Agent is a completely biodegradable lubricant
Alt Sodium Meta Bi Sulphate Pwd. RXSOL-40-4052-025 Sewage Chemicals Treatment-40 Sodium Meta Bi Sulphate Pwd.
Alt Coffee Machine Boiler Descaler RXSOL-11-1052-050 House / HOTEL & CATERING-15 Leave for just 10 minutes chemically developed RXSOL particle will dissolves hard and old lime scale
Alt LYE Sodium Hydroxide Liquid 35 Kg Liq RXSOL-62-6033-001 Test Kit For Water-62 Caustic Lye concentrated solution
Alt Liquid Detergent (Use for Cleaning Dish ,Utensils and Glassware) RXSOL-16-1501-035 Deck cabin galley Maintenance-25 Formulated to cut greasy stains in a wide range of conditions including hard water.Soft and mild on
Alt Ultrasonic Cleaner 5 Ltrs RXSOL-16-3006-005 House / HOTEL & CATERING-15 Superior powerful cleaner. Excellent replacement for corrosive acids and hazardous solvents
Alt Bitumen Emulsifiers RXSOL-90-9009-025 Asphalt Release / Products-90 RXSOL BE is unique and highly effective emulsifier for all grades of BITUMEN and Asphalt.
Alt TCU Neutralizer ( Tannin/coffee/urine) RXSOL-41-8760-025 House / HOTEL & CATERING-15 very usefull for spotter and urine neutralizing treatment.