Images Title SKU Categories Product Short Description
Alt Moya Oil Concentrate RXSOL-10-2011-025 Degreaser-10 Effective and economical emulsifier.
Alt p Xylene Tech Grade 210 Ltr RXSOL-20-2102-210 Tank Cleaner-20 Pure specified product for specialised TANK WASH
Alt p Xylene LR RXSOL-60-6104-002 Lab Chemical-60 p Xylene LR
Alt Hydrofluoric Acid 60 % RXSOL-20-1107-040 Tank Cleaner-20 Hf is a colorless fuming liquid and classified as one of the strongest inorganic acids.
Alt Oil Spill Dispersant Type-I RXSOL-17-1012-025 Degreaser-10 Bio-degradable Emulsifier and low aromatic based product with excellent efficiency and low toxicity
Alt Wall Wash Kit Super RXSOL-63-6105-001 Wall Wash Test Kit-63 The RXSOL Wall Wash Test Kit is a complete test kit for performing a hydrocarbon test, PTT time test
Alt Antifreeze Coolant Liquid RXSOL-16-4020-020 Coolant Glycol Antifreeze-27 Antifreeze compound for cooling water systems , It is a Very effective blend of GLYCOL classified ch
Alt Dish Wash 5 Ltr RXSOL-15-3007-005 House / HOTEL & CATERING-15 It is Powerfull concentrate 2 in 1 Liquid also suitable for Suitable for cleaning dishes and exhast
Alt Sediment Mud Silt Remover RXSOL-23-2900-025 Ballast Tank Chem-23 Its polymerisation dual effect mechanism help to prevent hard deposition of mud layer on metal surfa
Alt Air Cooler Chemical Plus RXSOL-16-1039-020 Automobiles-41 Highly concentrated organic solvent based emulsion cleaner. Renders surfaces oil repellent.