Images Title SKU Categories Product Short Description
Alt BORAX RXSOL-12-1529-025 Detergent & Soap-12 Borax is classified as a detergent booster in laundry detergent as a versatile cleaning agent.
Alt Glass Bottle Amber 500 ml (24 Pc Box) RXSOL-61-2167-024 Lab Equipment-61 For Lab reagent
Alt Cobalt Metal RXSOL-68-1809-025 Metal Treatment-68 Cobalt acetate is a powerful oxidation catalyst
Alt Cobalt Cathode RXSOL-35-1809-001 Railway Maintenance-35 Cobalt Cathode
Alt Cobalt Sulphate RXSOL-94-1809-025 Agriculture-94 Cobalt Sulphate
Alt 1,3 DibromoPropane RXSOL-69-5960-050 Stains Indicator Reagents-69 1,3-Dibromopropane is a halogenated hydrocarbon.
Alt Poly Aluminum Chloride RXSOL-40-4095-050 Sewage Chemicals Treatment-40 Supreme grade Polyaluminium Chloride Powder is widely used in water treatment plants for purificatio
Alt Sodium Sulphite RXSOL-31-1305-051 Swimming Pool & Spa-31 Sodium sulphite is used as Reducing agent, Antibrowning agent, antioxidant, Flour treatment agent al
Alt Hydrogen Peroxide 50% 30 Kg RXSOL-68-1990-030 Metal Treatment-68 In industry, hydrogen peroxide in higher concentrations is used as a bleach for textiles and paper,
Alt Lead Test Kit RXSOL-62-1945-001 Test Kit For Water-62 Lead Test Kit results a deep orange colour indicates the presence of lead.