Images Title SKU Categories Product Short Description
Alt Food Grade Disinfectant ORG TR 50 - 25 ltr RXSOL-40-4098-035 Sewage Chemicals Treatment-40 It is a bactericide, fungicide, virucide, sporicide and an algeaecide
Alt ORG Clean MC 103 Membrane Cleaner RXSOL-33-3322-025 RO Chemicals-33 It is a low pH, liquid formulation designed specifically to remove metal hydroxides, calcium carbona
Alt BIOCIDE - BIOSPERSE RXSOL-40-4092-025 Cooling Water Chemical-43 Biosperse biocide for control of bacteria, fungi and algae in industrial water systems such as recir
Alt Sewage Test Kit RXSOL-62-5535-001 Test Kit For Water-62 RXSOL Sewage Test kit have been developed to meet the requirement of Sewage test
Alt Aluminium Cleaner RXSOL-16-1028-020 Air Lines-36 It is very Powerful Aluminium Cleaner
Alt Radiator Coolant 20% Conc. RXSOL-40-4045-025 Radiator and AC coil cleaner-39 Suitable to add to the cooling water of internal combustion engines for excellent protection against
Alt Coil Cleaner Air Conditioning System RXSOL-16-1697-005 Radiator and AC coil cleaner-39 This is specially formulated for use as a coil cleaner and filter adhesive for cooling coils of the
Alt Coil Cleaner Non Rinsing Type RXSOL-16-1697-025 Engine room Maintenance-16 Self-rinsing – specially blended to be gradually rinsed by the natural condensation of cooling syste
Alt Eye Wash RXSOL-64-2627-001 Safety Item-64 Eye Wash
Alt Carbon Black RXSOL-81-8110-025 Paint and Cleaning solvent-18 Carbon Black is low in ash and exhibits low toluene discoloration.