Images Title SKU Categories Product Short Description
Alt Conductivity Meter RXSOL-62-5521-001 Test Kit For Water-62 TDS Meter with automatic Temperature Compensation
Alt Mono Ethylene Glycol RXSOL-19-1210-050 Engine room Maintenance-16 Mono-ethylene glycol (MEG) also used as an antifreeze, which has the ability to protect engineered
Alt Boiler Coagulant Sludge Conditioner RXSOL-50-5003-025 Boiler Chemicals-42 Boiler Coagulant prevents the formation of deposits on boiler internal surfaces.
Alt Engine Parts Washing Solvent ( RXSOL - PWS ) RXSOL-10-1727-025 Degreaser-10 Economical and effective method for cleaning metal parts while being gentle on the hands.
Alt Tankclean ECO RXSOL-20-2035-210 Tank Cleaner-20 Designed for the removal of heavy mineral oils and greases, dopes, additives, lubricants, asphalt, d
Alt Valvocare Fuel Conditioner RXSOL-70-7006-210 Fuel Treatment-70 This is antivanaduim and protect system from SODIUM problem .
Alt Diesilite Fuel Combustion Improver RXSOL-70-7004-210 Fuel Treatment-70 Improve combustion and prevent corrosion by eliminating the formation of nitric and sulfuric oxides.
Alt PROPYLENE GLYCOL IP food grade RXSOL-19-1615-025 House / HOTEL & CATERING-15 Propylene Glycol also called 1,2-propanediol or propane-1,2-diol, is an organic compound with formul
Alt Degreaser Aqueous pH Conc. B F E Conc RXSOL-10-1741-025 Degreaser-10 Multipurpose concentrate cleaner and can be diluted as per requirement...
Alt Fuel Care Treat RXSOL-70-7009-025 Deck cabin galley Maintenance-25 It is a super additive to maintain homogenious dispersion of FUEL oil BLEND .Its chemical reaction i