Images Title SKU Categories Product Short Description
Alt POTASSIUM CARBONATE RXSOL-19-1614-025 Detergent & Soap-12 High-quality alkaline products.
Alt Sodium Hypo Chlorite 12-15 RXSOL-31-3025-020 Deck cabin galley Maintenance-25 A 12% solution is widely used in waterworks for the chlorination of water and a 15% solution is more
Alt RXSOL 2000 Corrosion Inhibitor RXSOL-40-2000-025 Cooling Water Chemical-43 Cooling water treatment chemical with Corrosion Inhibitors and anti scalant which is effective again
Alt Degreaser SB 25 Ltr RXSOL-10-1006-025 Deck cabin galley Maintenance-25 Unique formulation blended from inorganic, organic compounds and detrgents with powerful dispersing
Alt Car Wash Shampoo RXSOL-41-4102-010 House / HOTEL & CATERING-15 A new and exciting silicon base product treated for the really tough cleaning problem faced on the p
Alt Rig Wash Green 210 Ltr RXSOL-16-1043-210 RIGS Oil Field-34 Specially formulated for all types of water condition even with HARD WATER and for use with high pre
Alt Battery Acid 25 LTR RXSOL-15-1103-025 Deck cabin galley Maintenance-25 Presence of CHLORIDE and other impurities in solution immediately damage ELECTROCHEMICAL REACTION of
Alt Sodium Thiosulphate Solution RXSOL-19-2031-025 Sewage Chemicals Treatment-40 Sodium Thiosulfate used as a water Dechlorinator also used in Pond Aquarium .
Alt UNICLEAN B-Solve RXSOL-10-1006-210 Degreaser-10 Numerous general cleaning applications including the removal of greases, oil, sludge, carbon deposit
Alt Degreaser Neutral Based 25 Ltr RXSOL-10-1033-025 Degreaser-10 Neutral pH cleaner suitable for general cleaning e.g after discharging gasoil