TANKWASH SOLVENT manufacturer and supplier at all Indian - Middle East coastal PORT. TANKWASH SOLVENT is highly effective solvent based emulsified cleaner. RXSOL enhance its property by addition of water softner to gives optimum result with seawater also.
Degreaser and Tank Cleaner Specially formulated for cleaning of oily Greasy Surface and cleaning double bottom, deep and wing tanks etc, used for fuel oils. It can also be used for local cleaning and degreasing of engine rooms, Industrial platform, Rigs platform etc..
TANKWASH SOLVENT classifed as one of best Degreaser Tank cleaner in marine oil field and shipping industries. TANKWASH SOLVENT also very effective for removal of heavy crude oil, soot, ashpalt and carbon black stains etc.
Highly concentrated emulsified TANKWASH SOLVENT makes emulsion with water, which makes one of popular economical cleaner. And its white emulsion effectively dissolve oily greasy matter without any harashement on metal surface and personnel.
Soak Method :
for heavy soil put parts into undiluted RXSOL-20-2055-025, for general soiling use a solution of 10-30% RXSOL-20-2055-025 in water. Parts should be soaked for at least 30 minutes before washing off with water.
Spraying Method :
Use neat RXSOL-20-2055-025 over all soiled areas. Allow 10-20 minutes for reaction , then rinse with high pressure water hose., Scrubbing will assist the cleaning operation for stubborn deposits.
Rock and Roll Method :
Recommended time to clean and gas-free under normal circumstances would be 3-6 days ,for cleaning of double bottom tanks at sea.
1) First of all heat the remaining oil in tanks .
2) By stripping constantly. flush the tank with sea water,
3) Close all suction and discharge valves .
4)1st Dose Fill the tanks by ½ to 1 litre RXSOL-20-2055-025 per tone of water through pipe or manhole , for
75-80% of capacity of tank to be cleaned.
5) Then fill tank to 25% capacity with sea water, raise the temperature up to 60°C maximum, and maintain this
temperature for 24 hours.
6) Top up tank to 75-80% capacity with sea water, continue to heat for 48 to 72 hours.
7) Discharge and strip tank. Fill to 50-60% capacity with sea water and allow 2 hours rinsing time.
8) Discharge tank and strip, flushing tank with sea water for 2 hours,stripping continuously. When completed, inspect
tank to ascertain if second cleaning is required. If so:
9) For completion add second dose of RXSOL-20-2055-025, fill tank with sea water 75-80% capacity and raise the
temperature to 60°C maximum. Maintain this for 48 to 72 hours. And recirculate the solution .
10) Discharge and strip tank, flush with sea water, stripping continuously for 2 hours.
11) To gas-free, fill tank with sea water to overflow through vents and sounding pipes, discharge and strip completely.