RXSOL-40-4023 is a high performance nitrite based closed circuit inhibitor.
Nitrite based Corrosion Inhibitor for Water and Glycol Brine system is a multimetal corrosion inhibitor based on nitrate and othe organic compounds with special yellow metal corrosion inhibitor and antiscaling chemical that helps to prevent scale deposition or also removes adhering loose scale deposits from the heat transfer fluid system.
Engine Jacket Cooling or heating system, Chiller Water Circuit, Glycol Brine System, Hot Water or steam Circuit, Engine Coolant,Process chilling and heating system etc.
Nitrite base Corrosion Inhibitor for Water and Glycol Brine is normally fed continuously to the re-circulating closed system by injection dosing pump of dosed to the expansion tank. The amount of Nitrite base Corrosion Inhibitor for Water and Glycol Brine required to inhibit corrosion depends on the type of system and plant operating conditions. The specific dosage rates can be specified by the testing and given parameter.
Zero or negligible loss of metal or corrosion Excellent heat transferability and flow rate No need of descaling closed circuit equipments Long and extended life of Water without fouling